
05 March 2011

Mission Statement (of sorts)

I keep a physical journal for all my crazy thoughts and super deep insights into how the world works. So there will be none of that rubbish here! I have no desire to spill my soul on the Internet. Nor do I have any sort of compulsive need to create an Internet identity to make others think I'm much more interesting than I am. I'm not a natural storyteller so making my life appealing to others seems exhausting. And there is nothing worse than reading a blog and thinking "um... but that's not what really happened." The truth is relative, and increasingly malleable on the Internet. But whatever's clever, right?

So why blog? Honestly? I'm lazy. I want to keep a record of the books I'm reading this year and a blog seems like the most efficient way to do so. I type so much faster than I write, and since I never learned to hold a pen correctly (my grade school teachers tried so hard) I am prone to hand cramps. Also, as noted above I already keep a journal that I write in frequently so why risk a terrible, writing-related, hand injury when I can just hammer out a paragraph in a few minutes? Plus, I like pictures.

I'm not exceptionally clever. I don't think I have major earth shattering ideas about books. But the ideas I have are mine. And that's all that matters.

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